Monday, March 30, 2009

Thanks to everyone that has followed us and please leave messages! We will check and make posts everyday. We will also be happy to have you follow us so you can talk to other people! Thanks!

Here is a funny story for everyone!
One day, I was walking at camp when all of a sudden, I heard a loud BANG! I was sure that it was a cap gun. So I went to investigate. When I arrived on the scene, I found that there was nobody there, so I continued my walk, when I heard the noise again in the same area. Like before, I went to look around. I was walking along and all of a sudden, I stepped on something that popped very loudly. I jumped like a small child being scared on halloween! My friends jumped out behind the trees and started laughing. When they jumped out, I found that it was just a scary practical joke!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to ask us questions or to write a new story!

Sports 2009

Cam and I play sports year round. Cam isn't playing a sport this summer though! (What a surprise!) I am playing lacrosse. It is an intense sport. For those of you that don't know, lacrosse is a very rough sport. I will report about the different games. I will talk also about the funny parts of the games. I have played lacrosse since last year and am good and agressive. Both of those factors have a big difference in the game. Wish me luck! I will have to play hard and be agressive. Thanks!!


My hockey awards

Hi everyone! It is March 31 and I just had my first Middle School hockey banquit! Everyone got awards. I got one and everyone else did too. There were also special awards that the coaches handed out to only 2 of the players. Guess what... I WAS ONE OF THEM! :-) I was chosen for the most improvement over the course of the year! My coach added in some deatils such as: When these awards are handed out, they are normally never given to 6th graders. I will be posting pictures of my awards soon!

Comments are Wanted!

We would love to hear feedback! You can tell us what is good and bad about our blog! Post comments antime. We will try to post both serious and funny stories everyday. We love to hear feedback! Report to us everyday. We love to accept posts! Thank You!

Im back from school and it is 2:45. I am in middle school, so i get out of school about half an hour earlier than Cam! Now back to the usless talk.
I am a middle school hockey player so i know what it is like to be pushed around. If there are parents reading this, tell your kids to never let them be pushed around. Also, tell them that if they want to play hockey in highschool, they need to keep their grades up. It makes all the difference!


this is Cam talking

Well my brother is getting ready for school i will be talking to you . YAY! as you know i'm going to a hockey tryouts . Branden might be able to talk to you guys and girls. i hope you enjoy reading from me and Branden.


School and Tryouts

Hi! Branden speaking. It is 6:20 a.m. and i am getting ready for school. Like i said yesterday, Cam is having tryouts this afternoon! Wish him the best of luck! I may be reporting later today. But for now, I have to get ready for school. Thanks!


Hi! I'm Cam

Hi!, as most of you don't know, I'm Branden Roys brother, Cameron (people just call me Cam). I, too will be talking to you everyday! YEAY!!!!!!!! More to read! I hope you like our blog!

-Cam Roy


Welcome to our blog! This is Branden Roy. Our mom inspired us to write a blog (partially because she has her own). You can read hers here. Have a great time reading our blog. We are going to try to blog everyday about it. Please forgive us if we don't! Our week days is very hectic because of school and sports. Like on March 31, Tomorrow, Cam has hockey tryouts. He is trying to get into a Tier 1 division! For those of you who don't know what that is, it is the highest travel division possible! He deserves a good paty on the back. Wish him luck!Thanks for reading!

- Branden Roy